OVERSIZED FLOPPY straw HATS in SORBET colors rock MY WORLD. spent a whole 3 days in LA QUINTA with my man and only removed my LIME GREEN straw hat to SLEEP. FACT protects your face from the SUN and keeps you ever so SUMMER BUNNY CHIC. word
and the award for BEST HAIR goes to OLIVIA PALERMO. i must admit...i do watch THE CITY and i DIE for her HAIR (COLOR AND STYLE) in every episode. i most recently loved when OLIVIA had to STYLE KESHA...for ELLE..it was super funny to see such a CLASSIC BEAUTY dress a TOTAL ROCK CHICK. CHEERS OLIVIA. STAY STUN GUN CHIC!
cheers to CAMMIE D and her stylist RACHEL ZOE. CAMMIE rarely does one designer head to toe...but pictured here in LANVIN mini dress and stillys.....THE LOOK IS MONEY!